Bacterial Diversity

Let’s meet bacteria!
Bacteria are prokaryotic organisms, and can be found in all shapes and sizes.
Some look like wotsits, some are round and ball-shaped, some are quite squiggly. They can be single bacteria or they can form chains or clumps.
A rod is often called ‘bacillus’ (bass-ill-us), or ‘bacilli’ (bass-ill-eye) in its plural form. A round bacterium is a ‘coccus’ (cock-us), or ‘cocci’ (cock-eye) if there is more than one.
See some of the more common bacterial shapes below. Click on the pictures to find out what types of bacteria grow in these shapes.
What everyday objects do you think they look like?
Click here to download our Superbug Story for Kids as PDF.
Home/Class Activity
Why don’t you get some balloons and see what bacteria shapes you can make?
Get some pens and give them some personality.
Or why not use other materials — like play-doh? Or bake some Superbug-shaped buiscuits??
Show off your best efforts and send them to us!
➡️ Inside Bacteria
They may not look like much on the outside, but inside they are like a factory of different parts, all working together!